Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Sex Sells

So one of the poems a student wrote for my CW class had a very "I wanna get with you" feel, and the girls called him on it. So, for them, I brought in Andrew Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress." Let me tell you, BIG hit with the kiddies. They got totally grossed out with the worms, but other than that...

Someone sent me this link and we all decided it was very entertaining. Plus, it was a flashback of a sort: Choose your own dating adventure!

Things are going too well so far this year. I...I am very concerned. I fear karmic retribution. I fear for my portfolio. I fear for my sanity. Oh wait, that's gone already.

It's Wednesday already. I love the 4-day week. :)


  • At 1:02 AM , Blogger Kelly said...


  • At 9:56 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Maybe, I donno, you don't have a large energy drain sapping you of all happiness and confidence anymore, so that your natural intelligence and creativity are being allowed a chance to work, or something.


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