Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

What a day this has been...

...well, it started last night. Lady K did not get enough sleep. Lady K still managed to wake up this morning and go to the gym. If I pass out at 7:30 tonight, we'll all know why. It was TOTALLY worth it though. I had Ethiopian food last night for the first time, ever. You eat with your hands, it's very cool. Downtown New Haven, in case anyone is a) in the area and b) curious. Also, the company was nice, so yay.

Today was really good, work wise. I'd say about 90% of my students actually DID their homework over the weekend, which made me ridonkulously happy. And they did their group work quietly, but efficiently. Oh yeah, and they know the answers to questions when asked. Freshmen make the WORLD of difference. I'm secretly hoping that it's me, however, and that I might actually know what I'm doing now. That would be super keen. I'm hoping to keep my confidence level up for when the sophs/jrs arrive, because the sophs are most likely the ones I will inflict BEST on, and I want to have good luck with them

My seniors...omg, so funny. I'm running my creative writing class like the ones I took in college, so the kids are doing most of the work--yay. Anyhew, we had our first two presentations of work today, and the kids really got into it. I don't think those presenting were TOO embarassed, everyone kept their comments constructive without being too sugary sweet or too negative. I may ACTUALLY have done something right with this class. I know I could've been a little bit more prepared for it, such as demonstrating the whole "workshop" thing to the kids, but I couldn't find anything I really wanted to expose to my students. Not that my stuff is risque or anything, just didn't want to give them something that would 1) take too long to explain or 2) not relate to them on any level.

I caught up on my grading this weekend, which made me SO happy. I'm having the kids do a lot of work actually in class, and going over stuff with them, thereby ensuring learning while eliminating the paperwork. I only have a couple of things to correct from my senior class, and that shouldn't take too terribly long.

I was typing without looking at the keyboard today during a senior study hall; they were all very impressed. One kid actually asked me to teach him how to do it. I told him you just have to practice, it's not something that can be taught really. I hated typing in middle school because they covered your hands. I needed to see where everything was before I could learn how not to look at the keys. Thankfully that trauma is over.

I'm paying bills right now. Bill paying makes me cry. Some of it is neccessary (car maintence--huzzah for a working car!) and rent, but the other was my Vicky's bill. Well, it was mentally neccessary, but not financially. Ah well.

Hob continues to eat Cleo's food. I've taken to locking him in the room with his own food when he does this. It is very annoying. I'm surprised Cleo doesn't swat him around when he does that, but they appear to be actually playing now, which is a step up from the hissing and spitting, so yay for that.

And now that I've babbled sufficiently...have a good evening!


  • At 9:15 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    I so enjoyed my creative writing classes in college. I especially enjoyed Advanced Creative Writing, where we had more of the workshop approach, but the early round was good too. I think they tried to do it high school but there was never enough interest if I remember correctly.


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