Geek In the Pink

Sunday, September 18, 2005

We do NOT like to talk about it.

0-2. What kind of record is 0-2? It's like the team didn't even show UP on the field. WTF?

Had a good time out with my brother, the new girl, his friends, the roomie and our friends. Of course, mostly it was just brother, new girl, A. and myself, as everyone else didn't want to pay the cover charge to see the band, but whatever. Had an Irish Car Bomb for the first time.

Saturday was spent recovering from Friday, correcting papers, and eating dinner with the folks. My brother was there for dinner too, miracle of miracles.

Today I went down by the old stomping grounds and watched football at a bar with the "person of interest" and a whole bunch of crazy, wacked out football fans. It was most excellent. My poor liver has been DESTROYED this weekend, however, so we must get back in the proverbial saddle of not drinking like we have been. The waist line will not appreciate it.

My cousin is having another baby! Squee!

Okay, better now.

Don't want to go to work tomorrow. Anyone want to sub for me?


Got it. Thanks folks. Big help you all are.


  • At 1:27 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I'll sub for you if you sub for me.

  • At 3:39 AM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    Unfortunately, my subbing for you will get people killed. ;)

  • At 3:55 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    it's really hard to kill someone accidentally... I'm sure you'll be at least as safe as I am...


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