Geek In the Pink

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Would you like to phone a friend?

Brother: "This time it's the Old Man's Fault."
Me: "What?"
Brother: "So, I walked into the railing on the stairs. And when I was limping, Dad asked what was wrong. I told him the fucking railing. He said that wasn't the adjective I was looking for. I told him it wasn't an adjective; it was an adverb. What is it?"

Also, my mother told me I'm smarter than most people, which is why my slow coworkers piss me off. Wasn't that nice of her?

You know, THIS year, it's not my kids I dislike. Yeah, I have one class that's HUGE and obnoxious, but I only see them 2 days out of 5, so I'll live. My co-workers and supervisors on the other hand...*twitch*

SO glad tomorrow is Friday. Going out to the casino for a concert, get to hang out with my baby brother, for two days! I'm probably going to my parents' house for dinner on Saturday, which...score. No cooking! I'll bring 'em wine, 'cause I'm a good girl.

Can I tell everyone how much I LOVE Itunes? If you don't use it to burn CDs and organize your computer's music library, you ought to. It rocks my socks.

Oh, my lesson that I did today with my sophomores...I think it went well. I let them watch a clip of 24 to talk about pacing in stories. They were enthralled, 'cause....oooh, TV. But I think they got the concept. So yay.


  • At 1:57 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    This has nothing to do with anything, but Sarah Vaughn has an AMAZING voice. Why do all the divas suck so bad these days?

  • At 7:13 PM , Blogger JRRyan said...

    I thought I rocked your socks. Freakin' iTunes usurping the rockage of sockage.

  • At 12:18 PM , Blogger Anathema said...

    ok, see this is why you should listen to me more often. I told you iTunes was beyond amazing.

    I <3 my new iPod...


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