Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Sesame Street

Today's early-morning wake up call was brought to us by the number 1:11 and the letters C-L-E-O.

Other than that, however, I did manage to sleep until the alarm went off. Was having some bizzaro dream right before I woke up...don't remember anything about it.

The cats are chasing each other around the kitchen, living room and hallway. Ridiculously entertaining. It's like an obstacle course because, besides all the furniture, we have bags and boxes from our mini-shopping-spree on Sunday strewn about the place.

I've gotta figure out a better way to get in all my sleep. I can't very well go to bed at 8:30 and catch 8 hrs, but I almost fell asleep driving into work yesterday, and had to stop somewhere for a Coke. Sure, I COULD have gotten coffee, but...well, yeah.

I'm really not sure what to do with my juniors. They're the honors kids, so this means more in-depth discussion, in theory. Unfortunately, I don't really have the materials to do such a thing with. Plus, our textbook sucks. I figure we'll just plow through some required material today & tomorrow, I'll test 'em on Friday, and then we'll do "The Crucible" (yay!) when they get back. THAT will be fun.

Also trying to decide WHEN to do my portfolio. Was going to do it in October, but given the hopefully-upcoming trip with the ladies, I'll be missing a day and that would be bad. Early November then. But what to do with the suckers next cycle. Hrm...

All right, gym time. Hope everyone has a good day.

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Social Liberal
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  • At 2:49 PM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    You speak of field trips as if they are so easy to organize...*sighs* Stupid state...

  • At 9:15 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Schools have money for field trips? That's news to me...


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