Geek In the Pink

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Steppin' Out

Do you know what is a really good way to kick off a weekend? Spending 4 hours with a flamboyantly gay man with a fantastic sense of humor. A. and I celebrated her friend Steve's birthday yesterday, with a whole bunch of their friends from high school...and me. However, I more than felt right at home with them, and we were laughing so hard our stomachs hurt. (Ab workout? We don't need no stinkin' ab work out!) By the end of the evening, I had invited everyone to our Halloween party (no, I wasn't drunk), but told them they had to dress up. Steve was not overly happy with that idea. ;) Sometimes I feel weird that we always hang out with A's friends, but then I remember that my bestest buddies are either 1. on the opposite coast, 2. trapped in the midwest or 3. saving lives in England. And my local friends are all "adult," and know, married and with babies, so it's a little harder for them to come out with us.

I slept in! No, really! It was quarter to 9 before I got out of bed this morning. The last three hours were more like 1-hr naps interspersed with Cleo chatting me up about how, really, I could get up any time to feed her if I felt so inclined. After getting up and feeding the cat, I got the newspaper, made myself some peanut butter toast, then sat outside to read the newspaper. Our back "porch" is really just a stoop, but it felt good to sit out there, enjoying a little bit of the cooler air. I even had a cup of tea.

So I'm feelin' pretty good this morning. I'm going to enjoy my second (and possibly 3rd) cup of green tea, take a shower, then head off to Ikea in search of curtain rods and possibly This bed. Or some other bed. I want a bed. Then tonight, I am off to dine with my parents. I may drag the roommie along, if she wants to come.

Tomorrow, alas and alack, I devote to lesson plans. But football too, so score. I wish my computer faced the would be much easier to work that way :)


  • At 2:42 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    I've never met a flamboyantly gay man without a sense of fun. Why wouldn't he want to put on a costume?

  • At 5:23 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I'm getting a bed too! It's here! I just forgot to go pay it off so now I have to wait till thursday to even arrange delivery.
    It's memory foam.
    Sleigh beds are ok but I do like 4 posters, you can hang robes on them.

  • At 6:58 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    I have no idea what your house setup is like, but perhaps you can also pick up a new piece of furniture for your computer if it helps you be at the computer and watch tv. ;)


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