Geek In the Pink

Monday, September 26, 2005

Highway Hilarity

I had a guy try to pick me up on the highway today. Seriously. He drove up next to my car, waved, and then pantomimed going for a drink. You know, if I'd had my number written on something, I probably would've given it to him. But as it is a Monday night, I couldn't really justify going out for a drink with some Jetta-driving white boy, now could I?

Crazy parent meeting went...better than expected, but the mother and father were, in fact, quite loony. Enabling students is so VERY interesting to watch. It makes me want to beat people about the head and shoulders.

Here, an amusing, yet morbid, mid-day reprieve:

Take this quiz at


  • At 6:48 PM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    That's rather...appropriate for you, actually. Huh.

    And he looked cute, but the windows were tinted.

  • At 9:54 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    I was thinking about you today as I watching "Arrested Development." There was a scene in which someone was trying to give someone else their number by using flash cards.


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