Geek In the Pink

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Book Review (part whatever)

I just finished The Holmes-Dracula File by Fred Saberhagen. It's a weird book. Not bad, just weird. Half of it is told from Watson's point of view (like a Holmes' book should be) and the other is from the Count's. Some amusing quotes:

"Ah, Sal! If only, before Jem Matthews, there had come into your life some solid London workman, with love that could be blind to your marked face--but of course at seventeen she had had very little time for such a miracle."--Dracula, p. 156

"In stories, any number of imbeciles may be encountered, ready to deliberately insult strangers who are aiming deadly weapons at them. In real life, there are only a few folk so suicidally inclined."--Dracula, p. 217

"As a general rule, the vampire race (I still dislike the term, but there does not seem to be a better) gains members only by adoption, through initiation, rather like a hard-core political party or a religious order."--Dracula, p. 221

"Count Dracula, your life and mine are small things compared to what is now at stake."
"I looked at him closely. But no, he was still in too solemn a mood to perpetuate a pun consciously."--Holmes and Dracula, p. 225


  • At 1:07 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Why is that always the case? :)

  • At 12:36 PM , Blogger JRRyan said...

    The good guys are too busy drooling after the heroines, taking the high road, and being terribly awkward at social events.


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