Geek In the Pink

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Failed experiments in oatmeal

I tried to make myself instant oatmeal this morning, but I had several factors working against me:

1. I had never made this particular type of microwave oatmeal before.
2. I am still getting used to the power of the new microwave.
3. I used soy milk instead of water and regular milk.

The result? A hard glob that, while cooked, was not fully mixed and I would occassionaly get huge chunks of cinnamon while other chunks tasted like cardboard, as they were unflavored by said cinnamon. I was definitely not what anyone would designate a "happy camper."

Definitely have to cook dinner tonight. I have no willpower, as everyone knows, so when we eat out, I'm a glutton. So we're either have zucchini and pine nuts or vegetarian tostadas. The polling begins now and closes at 5pm EST. That's 12 hours to get in your vote!

I don't WANNA go to work...


  • At 8:50 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Funny microwave/hot cereal story: when I was in Boston I bought Instant Cream of Wheat. Cooks for ten seconds in the microwave but the problem was it was one of those ovens with the dial with 30 second intervals instead of buttons so it was always overcooked.

  • At 10:45 AM , Blogger Kelly said...


    and may I suggest plain instant oatmeal bought in bulk? Just add enough soymilk to cover when mixed, microwave on high for a minute, and add flava.

    I miss bulk instant oatmeal. 70 cents a pound and good for you. Man.


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