Geek In the Pink

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Family Hijinks

Another Saturday night with my parents. Yes, my head does hurt, thank you so much for asking. I probably would've been okay, if my brother hadn't up and decided at 12:45 "Let's go to Ernie's and do Irish Car Bombs." Blink blink, blink blink blink. So off we went: brother, brother's girlfriend, cousin, myself...and my dad. That's right, folks, I went out drinking with my father. Does that make me a loser, or him really FREAKING COOL? You decide. The more I talk to the brother's gf, the more I like her. Our birthdays are only three days apart, which I just thought was neat.

Oh yeah, yesterday was the Ren Faire. OMG, LIEK SO MUCH PHUN! Uh, sorry. We had a total blast though. Unfortunate that POI couldn't go, but we managed to have a lovely time. I didn't buy anything, mostly because there was so MUCH of it, I couldn't decide what to purchase. I did get to tie up a very attractive man with my roommate's help, and the guys playing Arthur's knights....drool! I briefly grew a set of cojones so A. could have her picture taken with one that she found particularly lovely.

Sar and Kel, they played "wizard's chess!" Okay, so it was really just a live-action chessboard, but still...really cool. We met the forest god, Oisin, who was also quite hot, and listened as the players sang quasi lewd drinking songs. They were lewd if you were over, say, 13, but otherwise just catchy. Oh, and I got a ticket for "Annoyance of a Public Official, Excessive Jubilation (or other acts of Frivolity), Failure to stop at a stop sign, Lack of Fashion Sense, and Lunacy." I could have appealed it to the King (also hot), but we left before the closing ceremonies. We all got Seals of Valor from "St. George's Dragon Orphange," because we played with the baby dragons (aka anoli lizards). There were singing executioners...I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but suffice it to say, I would go back in a costume!

Today will involve beating this hangover, doing some laundry, reading a book and watching football. I have to do some planning for my juniors, but other than that, it should be all good.

Pictures are forthcoming!


  • At 11:45 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    *cries* I'm so mad I missed the big English one in August. I have no cool people to go with, and would be bored going by myself for a whole day. Wah!

    Let's plan to go to one in costume some day, all goddesses invited, eh?

  • At 12:32 PM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    Well, if you can get your leave a little earlier next year, my dear, we could go indeed. I think they are pretty much around the same weekend every year

  • At 2:36 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Speaking as one who's done most of his drinking with his parents, at least lately, it's neither cool or pathetic, it just is.

  • At 3:14 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    Your parents sound more cool than anything else based on what you've told me thus far.

    How are things going with POI? How'd you guys start talking/hanging out again?

  • At 9:38 AM , Blogger leila said...

    must see pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!


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