Geek In the Pink

Thursday, October 06, 2005

A little retail therapy

Actually, it wasn't really much in the way of therapy; I was feeling pretty good about myself. But I needed a skirt to wear on Saturday night and a white bra, so off we went to the mall after a visit to the gym, a shower, and a free Subway dinner.

First of all, let me say that I love fall clothes. They're colorful without being neon, the unfortunate trap into which most summer clothes fall. Besides brown (which is totally my new blue), there's lots of muted purples, greens and, yay, blue. So I was in love. As you may or may not know, this is USUALLY the weekend my mother and I go on one of our twice-yearly shopping binges down at the outlets. Alas, Mother works this weekend, so that's not going to happen.

We visted Vicky to begin our shoppy excursion. Just out of curiosity, I asked to get re-measured, as my unmentionables had not been fitting correctly. I actually went DOWN a band size (YAY!) and UP a cup size (?????). This is the first measurable indication I've had that my toiling at the gym has been successful. That and all of my pants seem really baggy, but that's more from a lot of wear than anything else I believe.

Okay, so now that I had a bra, we had to find me a skirt. You would not think a short black skirt would be difficult to find. We went into all the usual teeny bopper stores, but all the skirts are billowy and peasanty...and long. I tried on a pair of black boots, only to meet with saddness as they, once again, would not zip up over my calves. Charlotte Russe let us down, NY & Company let us down, Weathervane let us down...even HOT TOPIC let us down.

And then we got to Express.

They are having GIGUNDO SALE! MUCH damage could have been done to ye olde credite carde, but I was in there for a very specific item. So I FINALLY found 2 little black skirts...and this really cute denim one. And an adorable Indian-style top. Into the dressing room we go. One of the black skirts made me look like a retarded ballerina...and I've done that enough in my lifetime, thankyouverymuch. The next one just made me look wide (too many ruffles. But it was a small!) But the denim number...she did not let me down. She was cute, she was short, she had little flowers embroidered all over. And the Indian top...yay for that too!

Then we went off to Target to get kitty litter. Out of desperation, I was off to their shoe department, looking for boots. A. found boots. I tried on the boots. The boots zipped up over my calves. Shock of all shocks. I'm not absolutely in love with the boots, as they are a little pointy-toed for my taste, but I'm learning to deal because...THEY FIT!

I also bought a shirt (A. too, it was too funny not to buy it) with a big heart in the middle. Around the heart it says "You break it, you buy it." Somehow, it fit my mood perfectly.

Yesterday totally felt like a Thursday, as today is the last day of the cycle for my freshmen-seniors, and all the freshies are taking a test. I plan to read the newspaper first period, then correct and plan the remaining periods of my day. I think I may make tortellini for dinner. Hmmm.

Hope everyone has a good day!


  • At 11:32 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    I want that t-shirt. I hope I can find that one.

    And thanks for reminding me that I have a copy of today's NY Times in my backpack.

  • At 6:22 AM , Blogger Anathema said...

    Charlotte Russe. Where to find funny t-shirts that my students are likely to wear...but who cares. :)

  • At 6:27 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Um. Hi?

    No other comments on the shopping. Except I'll be doing that soon.


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