Geek In the Pink

Sunday, October 09, 2005

To quote the roommie, "Boys Suck"

Look, men of the world. If you don't like a girl, or did and don't anymore, for whatever reason, could ya just tell her? Because ignoring her, or breaking plans is both immature and just annoying. Better yet, don't MAKE the plans if you have every intention of breaking them.

Back to square one in the love life. This is just RIDICULOUSLY annoying. I am hurt and confused and all those other things that you feel when something doesn't turn out the way you thought it was going to, but more so because I don't know WHY. I want to be really bitter and angry and call him and say "Hey asshole, just say you don't want to see me anymore," but that would make ME look immature and annoying, and really, who wants to come off as that.

I wanna go home and see my mommy. ;)


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