Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Didn't I blog this morning?

I really thought I blogged this morning. Apparently, I did not.

Sparcy is missing. Again. It's been five days now. We are not holding out much hope for the Sparcs. Mom wants to get a new cat, which is completely understandable. I nearly burst into tears when she told me on Sunday, but this was coupled with the crappiness I was feeling re: men.

"I think I just managed to drag my poll numbers below a pro-hockey score."
"Yeah, but at least you have all your teeth."

Sorry, West Wing moment.

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month; does everyone know that? Ladies, I've just found out that one of my student's mother's has breast cancer, and that another's mother died of it this summer. So yeah, check your boobs after you have your period, or have your boyfriend/significant other/cat do it for you. Just make sure there are no weird lumps. Find a Boob Buddy and remind her, too.

It's rather uncanny how much A. and my roommate from college Julia have in common. I never quite realized how similar all my friends are until I moved in with A. Not that it's bad...just really strange. Except that Julia was ridonkulously Catholic. And anyone that knows A...well, you can laugh now.


  • At 7:55 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    OK, it looks like I left town at the right time. Anyway, poor kitty...


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