Geek In the Pink

Friday, October 14, 2005

CSI meets Edgar Alan Poe meets Moulin Rouge

I'm not even going to attempt to analyze this dream, but I really did want to share it with the group.

It took place in this normal looking house. I don't remember a lot of the details about why I was there, but suffice it to say, I found a 3-headed woman and the CSI crew came in to investigate--she'd been locked in a freezer. The woman who lived in the house (young, blond, beautiful) didn't know who/what it was. So the CSI crew leaves and then...the 3-headed woman comes back to life, or at least two of her heads, and starts running and screaming around the house. So I got her in some clothes, told her I'd be back, and then...left. (Like I said, fuzzy details.) Somewhere in all of this, these...circus performers showed up, including a particularly nasty ringmaster.

Anyway, Gil Grissom comes back to the house (I think I'm gone now as a character) and hears this awful screaming in the bathroom. The blond had left the creepy ringmaster into the bathroom to do what he wanted with the three-headed-woman, who was her sister. Gil wasn't trying to get into the bathroom, which I found particularly odd.

Then the scene switched, like in a movie, to this eerie looking castle stationed over some lava and a coffin (presumably with ringmaster and 3-headed lady in it) is shaking like their still alive as it goes over the edge of a cliff into the lava. There was actually a VOICE OVER in that part of the dream, but I don't remember what it said.

I give you my repressed brain. *takes a bow*


  • At 11:08 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I've had voiceovers before, they really give you a chill in the context of a dream.
    Sign of a creative mind.

    Anyway, I think your dream has something to do with sex or whatever. I guess. You're just weird ;)


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