Geek In the Pink

Monday, October 31, 2005

I don't have time for this $#!*

Yeah, I'm sick. What on Friday was just some annoying allergic reaction to air has now morphed into a cold. I got absolutely NO sleep last night, despite the Ny-Quil. But I can't take the day off because I've been procrastinating on putting my sub folder together. The ONE time I'm not prepared, and this is what happens.

So this is not good, because I'm REALLY wanting to start my portfolio on Thursday, but when I tried to do somet of the paperwork last night, it just made me sad and want to cry because I really suck at life and couldn't come up with good learning objectives. You have to keep your portfolio away from "activities" (which just got typed with a 'b' instead of a 'v', btw) and more on understanding outcomes. Sounds simple enough, but try to do it. Not so much.

If my health hasn't improved by this afternoon, I'm going to take tomorrow off. I'm not feeling dizzy or any of those things today, but those are probably forthcoming. On the way to work I have to pick up some more Day-Quil and Gatorade. Yay for the 24-hour-CVS. Tomorrow, also, is my mother's birthday. We're all going out to dinner with her, and I'd rather have slept all day then be so sick tomorrow that I couldn't go with.

I think I did this to myself, however, what with the party Friday night (this Lady had a lot to drink and made out with a 20 year old...not 21...20. Remind me to kick A's co-worker's ass about that) and then OUR party Saturday night (not a huge turnout, but a good time was had by all, I think.)

Have a Happy Halloween everybody!

You scored 60% Pride, 40% Envy, 35% Ambition, and 47% Deceitfulness!
You are Goliath, a proud warrior of your people. Though despite your personal glory, you remained a foot soldier instead of the king that you probably could have been. This is because you are content to let someone else dominate the world. You are rather lazy and unmotivated, so naturally, you tend to avoid positions of responsibility like the plague. You are a gentle hero to your countrymen (i.e. your friends, family, social groups), but a despised villain to people outside of these groups. This is probably due to your arrogance and open hostility. In fact, you are very well known for your directness and your “mean what you say, say what you mean” attitude. This attribute, combined with your pride, gives you an uncanny resemblance to the WWF wrestlers of today—you are viewed as either a hero or a villain depending on the allegiance of the fans.

Link: The Which Biblical Villain Are You Test written by MetalliScats on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Congratulations! You scored a super 70%!
Cool, calm and powerful. Whilst your actual super abilities may not be anything too dazzling, you have earnt the respect of both friends and enemies in response to your amazing fighting skills, strategic combat and experience. Luckily you have access to the greens which can fund all your majorly cool gadgets, vehicles and weapons! Also, you're reluctant but still accepting to the idea of having a teammate/side-kick, which just makes everything a whole lotta fun, doesn't it now! On the down side, you've probably suffered some sort of trauma at a young age (that's why we don't talk to the old man near the swings, kids). Similar to the Wolverine, your past is a base for your current motivation, undertaking some kind of personal vow in search of justice. All in all though, you're one tough nut. There's not a lot of people who have the minerals to go up against you, and you're experienced enough not to get cocky and let the little things like never finding happiness get you down!

Link: The Which SUPER HERO are you Test written by crayzee69 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


  • At 2:47 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I got Goliath and Spiderman.

    Anyway you don't suck at life, take a nap, I hope you feel better.


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