Geek In the Pink

Friday, November 11, 2005

Lazy Days...

Sleeping in, taking naps, doing nothing of consequence...I love days off.

A. and I watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind this morning. It was very good, both Winslet and Carry were superb, but VERY strange. It would make a good movie for a science ethics or philosophy class.

Did I tell you guys about the movie Crash--dealing with racism in LA? Wow, if not...good movie.

A and I got halfway through Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and, through no fault of the movie, decided to take naps. She's still sleeping, but I think she went down later than I did (g-d, we sound like infants). So now I'm up, blogging, waiting for her to see what round two is for the day. Maybe I'll make her cook dinner or something. Heh.

Business Minded
Awe you did it. You deserve a cookie! 50!

You are the perfectionist, the organizer, the dictator. If there’s an answer you will find it, even if it is not the right answer you will enforce it and nobody will question you. A great mind but not always great for the home life, where you excel in one thing you tend to suffer in another.
Link: The 15 Q?s you should NEVER ask Test written by wild_cat on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Pretty Messy
You scored 65% Dirtiness!

Your score indicates that your mind is on its way to true dirty status. You've passed the test, but there are some things you could work on. You appreciate dirty things and you wouldn't call your thoughts pure, but you haven't gone completely dirty. You don't have a hard time thinking dirty, but you're probably less driven to do so than someone with a true dirty mind.
Link: The Dirty Mind Test written by demainneviendra on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


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