Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Okay, so I was taped today for class. I sound like my cousin. I look a lot like my cousin. Except, you know, shorter. Why didn't anyone ever tell me that? (Not that it's a bad thing, Dorothy, just an observation I made today.)

I just relived an important college experience, with a twist--McDonald's drive-thru, in pajamas...with a cat. Not MY cat, of course, for we are not suicidal, but the Hob-ster took a little drive. He was rewarded with a sundae.

My head hurts. I want it to be Friday. But not so much. We hate Tuesdays, oh yes we do. Except for Bones and House. Only redeeming Tuesday qualities.

Frosted Flakes
You scored 85 Kindness, 97 Intelligence, 94 Style, and 62 Humor!

Yoooou're GREAT!! When it comes to Kindness, Intelligence, and some style, you're right up there. Those delicious flakes fluttering around in the murky white atmosphere that is breakfast; you tantilze taste buds of millions. Work on your humor a bit, and you'll be the Count's second hand, in no time.

Link: The Which Breakfast Cereal Are You Test written by BrotherDag on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

You scored 77 % on Knowledge and 11 % on Fun! I'm amazed!

Not that it matters.. at the end of the day we all just want one thing when drinking wine: Get Buzzed! :) Nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to actually know a little about that 'sunlight packed in a glass'.. I hope you enjoyed my test - cheers!
Link: The Ultimate Are-You-A-Wine-Expert Test written by pj_girl on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


  • At 9:42 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    You went for a drive with the cat for a reason or no? One of our cats liked to ride on the hood across te street but, other than that, they all hated it.


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