Geek In the Pink

Sunday, November 27, 2005

*brain explosion*

Seriously, how stupid do they think I am? The essay is typed, its centered and has a title that contains words I'm pretty sure they can't define. And yet there it is, handed in and to be graded as if the kid had actually done the work. OMGWTFBBQ. It was a group test, so I won't fail the other kid. This is from the same class that two students handed me nearly identical extra-credit essays. I didn't check to see if they were plagarized, I was just irate that they thought I wouldn't notice the similarities.

There was a whole editorial in the newspaper today (roughly three columns worth of text) discussing why little girls dress like hoes, that it's a bad idea, and parents really need to start doing their freaking jobs. I think I'm going to cut it out and bring it in to school. Maybe I'll have my freshmen/sophomores write a persusasive piece agreeing or disagreeing with the author's assertions (a word, by the way, I always want to type assertations).

As for my non-work-related life, the only word I have for it is "Oy." If you want to know more...well, SOME of you will have to call me back. :)

Gods! You scored 43!

You are most like Hephaestus, the god of fire and craft! Hephaestus was a patron of blacksmiths. Hardworking, incredibly clever, though a bit of a loner. Known for forging incredible gifts and clever traps. Achilles' armour at the battle Troy is attributed to him, as is Pandora's Box. Unfortunately, while he was off toiling, his beautiful wife Aphrodite was cheating on him with Ares. So while you're into making things and are a straightforward genuine person, don't forget to pay attention to your loved ones from time to time!
Link: The What Greek God Are You Test written by mellyelf on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Si... Silicon
You scored 47 Mass, 31 Electronegativity, 33 Metal, and 10 Radioactivity!

Interesting. Take a bunch of really common person-elements and throw them together to get something truely exceptional... that's you. You are probably someone that gave up on trying to understand society at large a long time ago. You don't fear it, but you don't try to be one with it either. You are more or less unperturbed by things... if a problem comes up you might deal with it, or you might avoid it... whatever. You don't take kindly to people pushing you around, and you don't really push anyone else around. You're probably the only one that can tame oxygen simply because you don't understand it's raging neediness, but that doesn't mean that you'll really enjoy having a tame oxygen hanging around all that much either. You can probably get along with people like yourself really well, but you aren't your own soulmate... if only they could make entire colonies of people like you you'd be stoked. Just like you don't understand society, society doesn't understand you... and yes that is my excuse for not knowing how to describe you better.
Link: The Which Chemical Element Am I Test written by effataigus on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


  • At 2:11 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I'd tell you how stupid one of my patients is, but it would take too long... and arguably isn't her fault. Arguably.

    People are morons.

  • At 2:49 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    I've known that for years...


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