Geek In the Pink

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Snow-covered Turkey

As promised, and despite my mothers protests that "It won't stick," we have snow. Accumulating snow. Which I must drive in a few hours if I hope to have turkey and get liquored up. Oh, and see my family.

Went to see Rent last night. I'd never heard any of the music (well, except the opening number) up until a few days ago. It is quite a good show and to see the late 80s/early 90s AIDS hysteria was...weird. I must be a cold-hearted biznatch, because I didn't cry hell, when Angel died. I do have to tell everyone that I am now in love with Jesse L. Martin however, and if anyone would like to get him for me for Birthday/Christmas, I wouldn't complain too much. ;)

Went out for a few drinks (okay 4) after the movie with roommate, Steve, Steve's boyfriend and a bunch of people the New Guy works with. A pretty good time; they're very interesting witty people, which is definitely key to mass outings such as that. Also ran into one of the guidance counselors I work with, but I wasn't sloppy drunk, so that went o-k. Plus, she's really cool and I don't think she would've cared much.

That's it from the land of the ice and snow. Everyone who celebrates have a very happy holiday. :)


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