Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Lady of the Forest by Jennifer Roberson

This novel came to me via Oregon, Texas, and England. Suffice to say, it was a romping good time and I may have just found my next unfinished story in Robin Hood and his band of merry men. I love dallying in this kind of historical fiction, because you have absolutely so much leeway to do whatever your little heart desires.

Back on point, the book was very good. I share with you now some memorable lines:

"She had been a plain, coltish, ungainly girl, all awkward limbs and tangled hair. FitzWalter had allowed her too much freedom once her mother died. He was too indulgent to guide her hoydenish habits into properly womanly ways. But that had changed in the last year, as she mourned her father. Grief had become the threshold of adulthood, and she had crossed it with colors flying.

She was exquisite, He knew of no better word. And he knew of no man better than he to give her the life she deserved.

To teach her what bodies were for."
--DeLacey (Sheriff of Nottingham), p. 92-3

"A woman's weapon, the tongue; but he would blunt it, for now."--DeLacey, p. 160

"Scathlocke had, rumor said, beaten one man to death. The fourth and final soldier he had relieved of his throat."--Little John, p. 161

"Few women have been hauled off into the depths of Sherwood Forest by a condemned murderer. It gives me some measure of perspective."--Marian, p. 233

"Men born of England do not fare well in heat and sun. There are fevers---I, like many others, brought one home with me."--Robin, p. 277

"It was impossible that Robin might actually know the king. Much supposed men did, but he had never met one on speaking terms with a king."--Much, p. 385

"You are called before answer a charge of witchcraft."
"Yes, so I was given tot understand when I was brought here against my will. Surely if I were a witch I could have prevented that..."--DeLacey and Marian, p. 562

"No, he is in France by now, unless he has already sailed. In which case he may well be in Dover already. He's on my trail, don't you see. I have become my brother's prey. Do you understand now why I require your castle?"--Prince John, p. 572

"Marian wrtenced a crutch from beneath Gisbourne's arm, ignoring his startled bleat as he toppled to the floor..."--p. 579

"Marian has a habit of snatching up the closest length of wood to level at the enemy."--Robin, p. 582


  • At 11:31 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I love when he starts saying the whole "allah is the one true god" crap. In Arabic.

    Which reminds me, torture sucks, vote McCain in 08!

  • At 5:47 AM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    And look...Daddy Issues! Truly a story worthy of the goddesses. ;)

  • At 5:09 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    I've always enjoyed Robin Hood. Of course, as my screen name suggests, "Qpid" was the best. "Nice legs... For a human."

  • At 12:30 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    why is it that a history of having been tortured endears a man to me forever?

  • At 5:50 AM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    We are sick, sick women, Kelly. That's why. :)

  • At 12:23 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    too true. Good thing there doesn't appear to be a cure ;)

  • At 3:16 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    ::cough:: ::cough::


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