Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Where's all the snow?

Remember the 2-5 inches they were predicting for CT for today? Have you looked out the window and seen any snow? 'Cause I sure haven't. I REALLY wanted a delay/no-school today, mostly because I have my little hellions today, but that was not to be my luck. And WORSE than that, I woke up every few hours during the night, including the last time at 4:30 and I couldn't go back to sleep.

I got much love yesterday in the way of phone calls and voice mails. Baby Brother started it off at 7AM (he apparently thought I was sleeping), then Mom, my friend Erin and Dad. Grandparents called a little later. A got me a necklace (which I knew about) and the most adorable "classic" Stitch doll. Cleo is not very happy with said animal, but I imagine she will get over it.

The meeting after school yesterday...what can I say? I'm still not sure I'm doing the bloody thing right, but once I have all the pieces in order, I'll see about tweaking it to what it needs to be. And, as my mentor told me, a 2 is still passing, that doesn't mean you're a 2-teacher. Of course, being a 3 or a 4 teacher is much better and a nice thing to put on one's resume.

I have a boatload of grading to do, and ANOTHER 50-minute faculty meeting after school today. Two days before grades close, and we have to talk about f-ing assessments? C'mon now.

All right, off to face my day.

You scored 14 knowingstuff!
Yes, you do know your sex in Sunnydale. And between you and me, Principal Wood (heh heh) is a major improvement over your last conquests. You may be young, dear, but what you lack in years you make up for in trollopness. Buffy may be the one true slayer, but you've got the better rack.

Link: The Buffy Sex Trivia Test written by chickennibbler on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


  • At 2:04 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    It really didn't sound, from what I heard, like anyone besides New London would have gotten anything anyway.


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