Geek In the Pink

Sunday, December 04, 2005

A Birthday Weekend in 3 parts

Friday--half day. Came home, ate some organic pizza, read some HP:GOF, took a nap. Woke up, took a shower. Knowing my car needed gas, and A. drove the last time we went to the casino, I volunteer to drive. So we go to the gas station. And here's where the weekend begins. First, I had to swipe my credit card twice. Then I chose the wrong grade gas. The gas station attendant intercoms me and says that pump is being weird--back up and try the other one. Okay. A. rolls down window to take my credit card from me after I swipe it successfully. A rolls back up the window...or so we thought. Upon leaving gas station (and taking rather circular route to get to the highway), we discover that the door doesn't appear to be closed. Only it is closed. It's just that my passenger's side window won't roll up all the way for some reason. We drive to and from the casino with LOTS of highway noise. I call my father to inform him that, yeah, I really need a new car. Concert was great, however. Go BNL. We ran into someone A. new.

Saturday--Dad won't take me car shopping because I have to do "research" on the vehicles. Oy. Vey. Grocery shopping with Mom, where she asks what kind of birthday cake I want. A strange question, since my favoritist cake is Angel Food with Cool Whip and Strawberries. DUH! Phone rings while in grocery store, but I don't recognize the number so I don't pick it up. Mother makes some bizare comment about this friend of the family's son calling me. I ponder this for the rest of the day. A and I go to the mall (Yikes!) where she buys lots of sweaters and I buy two pairs of pants, only one that I actually needed. But the other pair was fun embroidered jeans so worth it. We ran into another someone A. new and, while I was in Victoria's Secret using my $10 birthday gift card from them, I saw one of the baseball players I went to college with. *wistful sigh* HOTT. Didn't say hello because 1. he was with someone and 2. wouldn't remember me.

Okay, so my mom calls the mechanic and he says to drop the car off that night (Saturday) so he can have a look-see. I drive my broke-ass car home, with A in the passenger's seat; the plan being to pick up the spare car and drive it back until tomorrow ( You know what I mean). Go home, eat dinner, drink, open presents, drink, drink, drink. Dad gets brain storm go visit one of his friends who is home by himself with two small children. Everyone piles into two cars (Mom and Dad in one; A, myself, brother and brother's gf in the black car). We get there, we drink some more, I break a wine glass. We decide to leave. A won't let me drive (FYI, I could've driven...or so we thought). We get the car almost to the highway's not accelerating. We pull over to turn the car off and on again...only it won't turn back on. We put on the hazard lights and call my brother's cell phone. Dad says he will come to pick us up. While waiting, state trooper comes to check on us (good thing A was driving). He leaves. Brother's gf (only really sober one of the lot of us) and Dad show up in Mom's car to drive us home. Brother's GF and I make dinner plans for some time this week to celebrate joinly our natal days.

Sunday--Wake up, a little headache and very thirsty. Look outside. There is snow. I have a boatload of work to do today and no desire to do any of it. I don't hate my job...I just hate this part of it.

Happy Birthday to Me...

Severus Snape
You clearly do not scare easily. You want a man
who is sharp, intellectual, cultured, and not
too mushy. Get underneath his cool, sarcastic
exterior and who knows what treasures you might

Who is your Harry Potter love match? (for girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

OMGWTFBBQ? WHAT kind of quiz is this??? I didn't say anything about having no fear...and THIS is what I end up with? Jeeebus!


  • At 9:18 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    I was going to wait until your actual birthday tomorrow but, Happy Birthday!

  • At 1:14 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    well hey, it's better than Ron, at least he's of age...

    happy birthday!

  • At 10:03 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    You share a birthday with some pretty cool people: JJ Cale, Margaret Cho, Amy Acker and who could forget Frankie Muniz, though I do try...

  • At 2:35 PM , Blogger Anathema said...

    For the record, I drove FROM your parents house to Manny's house too. So yes you may have technically been able to drive, I suspect it was not a prudent course of action. Even before the state cop got involved.


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