Geek In the Pink

Monday, December 19, 2005

Nothing of substance, yet mildly entertaining

Because how can sporks not be funny?

Funny...very funny.

Holy Crap! You're taking 17 souls with you to hell!
10 to 30

On the plus side: You have your faith, you believe in a higher power. But you also believe that as long as a person has faith in something then they shall be rewarded. All paths lead to god. Tolerance is a good thing.

On the negative side: You could just be scared your religion is the wrong one and hoping God isn’t as intolerant as a lot of other religions tell you. You probably are just too scatterbrained and confused to know what ot believe.

Link: The Very Offensive Religion Test written by youallwantme on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


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