Geek In the Pink

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Oh Sweet, Teasing Thursday

The problem with Thursday lately, and Wednesday for conspiring, is that it so often feels like Friday. You want it to be Friday; it wants to BE Friday. Yet this is not the case and so I must resign myself to two more days of work.

Despite the scheduling nightmare from Hell (ever evolving) and my inability to access the attendance software (no ET on that), the week has, knock on wood, not been too terrible. Of course, I haven't been doing a bloody thing when I come home, but that's really neither here nor there.

Am WOEFULLY behind on my Xmas shopping. Seriously, I've never been this far behind, and I didn't used to do my shopping until the week of the 18th! I have to buy for two co-workers, the brother's gf, the brother, and get something else for one friend who is proving unusually difficult to buy for. I do, however, have a sort-of-shopping date for this weekend, weather permitting.

Roommate is sick; send her many healthy vibes so she's better by Sunday when her baby brother comes home.

Perfect math teacher
You scored 85 math apptitude and 80 patience!
You not only know enough about math, but you are also patient enough to handle the drama of the middle school. You should really consider teaching, we could use people like you. In fact, there may be an opening at my school...
Link: The Could you teach JR. High Math Test written by smilygrl83 on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Juuuuust Right
You are 32% Maintenance!
You're juuuuuuust right. A classy broad that won't go nuts if she gets called "broad." You're laid back enough to have fun and let some things roll off your back, but you know what you want in the end, and that's to be treated like a lady. Good for you. Call me.

Link: The High Maintenance Test written by hughdawg1 on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


  • At 10:36 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Aren't you nice? Buying for co-workers and the possibly soon-to-be in-laws.

  • At 2:39 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    god, I dont have anything done. I havent celebrated christmas in like 3 years now, I'm rusty. I haven't got quite comfortable enough to have a tree yet, but I did buy cards... erm, can you email me your address again?


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