Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Happy Solstice

To all my pagan, and pagan-at-heart, friends, I would like to extend the happiest of solstice wishes. Perhaps this isn't the year to dance around the Wicker Man Fire, however, as that blue tint to your skin won't be the paint, but hypothermia. I wear my blue cape in honor of it today.

Two and a half days left before vacation. Still have not done any wrapping, but that is okay, I suppose. I'll probably do it tonight. I'm still waiting for half of A's present to arrive, as it is taking it's own, sweet-ass, time getting here. Half of my brother's present, too, is still MIA.

Facutly Christmas party last night. Was a good time, had good food, drank a couple of beers after I decided the thought of them didn't make me nautious. Must now go attempt to explain Shakespeare to 13 year olds. Ooh! I have 3, THREE, freshmen on suspension for the rest of the calendar year. WTF?

Everlasting love
For you, Eternal love awaits!
You're loyal, mostly happy and have good
friends. You would like to have kids and get
married, and you strongly believe in "Mr.
Right". Once you meet him, you both now
you belong together.

Please rate aaaaand... eat chocolate bars?
*cough*rate*cough* ^^

What Love are you Fated for? ~AWESOME anime pics!~
brought to you by Quizilla


  • At 8:53 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Are these suspensions connected to you, meaning that the offense happened in your class or under your supervision, in any way? If so, wow. If not, eh. I think students think they can get away with more when, in fact, they can't get away with as much.


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