Geek In the Pink

Friday, January 13, 2006

Dear Lord, we are in trouble.

So there I was, thinking I'd be mildly entertaining for my Creative Writing students on Thursday and show them an episode of a TV show to discuss plot movement. Since brother bought me Thundercats on DVD, I thought...well, how bad could this be? At least we'll all chuckle.

They didn't get it.

I'm not talking symbolism, metaphors, theme...I mean plot. They did not understand what was going on in the episode. I nearly wept for their stupidity. How can you be that moronic at 16 or 17 years old? What was your mother smoking while you were in utero that those basic brain cells did not form? And why, for the love of all that is both holy and un, did you end up in MY class!?

That is all.

You scored 62 Giving, 63 Respectful, and 24 Selfish!
You have a lot of potential, but you give to get. You expect, and your expectations are rarely met, if ever. Trouble is, no one will ever meet your expectations. YOU can't even meet your expectaions. You are all over the board. You need consistency! You also need a time out once in a while. How about relaxing for a minute? Soak in the sun. Give a little TLC to yourself, so you can give it-unselfishly-to others. You'll be surprised at your true joy, rather then your disappointment!!!

Link: The How's Your Karma Test written by Mookie1010 on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


  • At 11:19 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    How the bloody hell can one not understand the frickin' THUNDERCATS? I'm well aware the American public is getting stupider and stupider but that's just pathetic. I don't recommmend they go see Moon for the Misbegotten...

  • At 2:48 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I got the same quiz result.

    What was it about Thundercats they didn't get? I don't understand...


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