Geek In the Pink

Monday, January 02, 2006

Bringing Sloth to a whole new level

Since 10:00 PM (roughly) on Dec. 30, I have not left the apartment. I have watched movies, eaten, had too much to drink, and slept (well, showered, too) but I have not left the apartment.

Today is the last day of my vacation and I really ought to do something that looks like work if I'm to be at all ready for my students tomorrow.


They're predicting snow and ice for us this afternoon clear into tomorrow, so I may get an extra day off, but I'm not holding my breath. I haven't had an extended winter vacation since one year in high school when it decided to snow for 3 days straight to ring in the new year.

Movies I've seen recently include "Quills," "Eurotrip," "The Aviator," "Super Size Me," and "Regarding Henry." All are worth your time but "Quills" is not for the faint of heart and "Eurotrip" is definitely one you need to be in a mood for. "Super Size Me" was VERY enlightening; you'll definitely want to get on the treadmill afterwards.

So now I must go do some work, as well as clean off and move my car so I can return videos.

Here, a quiz:

it's all about me. deal with it.

Who's Your Happy Bunny?
brought to you by Quizilla


  • At 9:44 PM , Blogger Anathema said...

    Dear Amanda -
    I post here because I don't have your blog and therefore can not post there. And am fairly sure you do not read mine and therefore will not see this there. First it was wonderful meeting you. You rock. Second - did you see they are re-releasing Good Omens in the US under hardcover? I am buying a second copy of the book. Just wanted to let you know. Later:)


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