Geek In the Pink

Friday, December 30, 2005

Boycotting Negativity

(or The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy)

I have recently become a believer in the self-fulfilling prophecy, ones that the Greeks were such big fans of. If you think something will, or won't, happen, then that's likely to be the case. Think negative things about your life, negative things will happen. On the flip side, happy thoughts beget happy things.

My brother's relationship got me thinking about this. After his psycho-stalker-ex (runs in the family, I suppose), he went through a bout of bad luck. And now he's got his current girlfriend. And sure they spat and what not, but she's wonderful and treats my brother like a human being, and she's not letting her friends dictate their relationship. I don't want to jump the gun on it, but there is a bet going on that in 18-months I'll be or be on the way to sister-in-law-hood.

My life hasn't been all lolipops and ice cream in the past seven months, but over all, things have been good. And even if they've sucked, I knew they wouldn't stay that way forever. I hate to see people convinced that their lives will always be how they are, that no good things are coming their way, that they will be alone or otherwise unloved forever.

Well of course if that's how you feel, that's how you'll end up. Give off the "Hopelessly Unlovable" vibe and people will believe you.

So, from now on, everyone will find love, if they deserve it. And all my friends (myself included) deserve it. We are all young men and women with a lot going for us: brains, beauty, bank accounts. Just because members of the opposite gender haven't picked up on the wonderfulness that is us doesn't mean they won't. There are picket fences and babies in the future for those of us who want them.

I refuse to become the crazy cat lady; and the rest of you should too.


  • At 2:20 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Thank you. I needed to hear that. Here's to a more prosperous New Year for the both of us...

  • At 9:46 PM , Blogger LadyVader said...

    Oh Sar, if you want to come, we will TOTALLY be on February.

  • At 5:18 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    awwwww... ;)

    Glad you are starting to have a positive outlook, you little sap-generator, you. Huzzah for us, we truly do kick ass.


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