Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


I've dreamt about my ex twice in a 7-day period. My mother dreamt about him one night too.



  • At 9:03 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Maybe he represents Satan and it means your going to hell...Serious though, it's possible, though I know you'd deny it, you still have lingering feelings that he was your last chance at happiness. That is not the case! The right person is still out there! (Look at me dispensing the relationship advice...) Your mother's issues are different but since I don't know her, I will refrain from comment.

  • At 11:45 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Usually when you dream about a specific person, it means something in your environment or somebody else's behavior is reminding you of them.

    *shrug* When I started dating Marc, I dreamt I was having Eric's baby, if that helps.

    That was the one where I was running around with a kevlar papoose in Iraq btw.


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