Geek In the Pink

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Too funny not to share

Okay, so I told my honors sophomores that, in their final drafts of their Of Mice and Men paper, they could not use the words "I" or "you" unless in a quote. So what does one of my kids do? Replace all the "you's" with "thou's." I just about died laughing.

Am feeling 85-90% normal operating capacity, so that is good. We heart the Tylenol Cold, yes we do. Today I have spent read A Feast for Crows, trying to remember who everybody is and what has happened to them in the previous books, sleeping and am now grading papers (see paragraph 1).

Talked to Geoff today, of all people, and he is doing well, for those of you who know him. His parents and sister are moving to NC, but he's staying in GA to finish his master's and, I imagine, start his ministering.

The weather today was astounding, and I know we will be punished most definitely by the weather gods. Fear them, offer your sacrifices. Keep the winter at bay!


  • At 10:09 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    I'm fond of "one" when writing myself...

  • At 2:00 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Glad you're feeling better. Also glad you're not 71 years old.

    I am waiting to see if I catch pneumonia myself, or bronchitis, or tuberculosis, or 4th state metastatic mutant lung cancer or something.

    My patient today was uh, not doing so hot. And she coughed on me a lot.


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