Geek In the Pink

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Surprise Sicknesses

So, for the past few weeks, my nose and ears have been clogged, along with a sore throat, but only at the beginning of the week; then it would go away. This week, it didn't, so I thought maybe I had a sinus infection ('cause, really, how would that surprise anyone.) Off I went to the doctor.


Not a full on, can't move case, but as he was listening to my right lung he heard them..."the crackles." So now I'm on Azithromycin and drinking Alka-Selzer cold in an effort to stave of my clogged nose, ears, etc...By all rights, I probably shouldn't even be going to work, but I can't miss time right now. First of all, my wingnut classes are in session, and I can't subject someone else to them. Second of all, I'm trying to Re-do my portfolio, and need to be there because I think I'm going to tape today.

Roommate would like me to put sub plans on my desk tonight, "Just in case," but I think I'll be fine. THINK.

Guess I won't be goin' out this weekend after all.

The Literati
And the Survey Says: 86%

You are one of a select group of intellectuals. You appreciate good literature and you nurture an affinity for elegance. You probably have a library of books waiting on your shelf, so put away the computer and start reading.

Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged
Daniel Keyes - Flowers for Algernon

Link: The Books Are My Friends Test written by whoisjohngalt on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


  • At 9:43 AM , Blogger JRRyan said...

    Is pnuemonia contagious? Because if it is, you def shouldn't be going anywhere. I hope you feel better. I'm sick too. In spirit, we're watching quirky movies and playing scrabble. In real life, you've got the crackles (doesn't that sound old-timey and vaguely piratey?) and I'm racked by waves of nausea. Ah the joys of exponential germ exposure in your local public school...

  • At 3:10 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    pneumonia per se isn't contagious, but the bugs that cause it can be if they're in other parts of the body, like the upper airway etc. Good handwashing, cover your mouth when you cough, etc.

    Karen, did he even do an X-ray? Crackles alone do not make a diagnosis. I am leery of your MD.
    IM me if needed, ducks, and feel better.


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