Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

*headdesk* Thank you, students.

I know that I am on intimate terms with the characters in the movie Troy, and that I was a pretty diligent student (wait for the connection), but is there ANY reason to leave blanks in paragraphs because you can't remember characters names, when I GAVE YOU A PIECE OF PAPER WITH THE LIST ON IT.

I'm trying to correct an "edited" paper for a student (turning it in, fixed, for a higher grade) and she's left blanks where character names should be because...well, I don't know why. This is so...gah!

Also, I gave my freshmen an opportunity today to fix their atrocious Romeo and Juliet quizzes. Most of the kids took the opportunity. There are a few students, however, who didn't change ANYTHING, even though they had assistance from their classmates. Oh, and one kid actually got a LOWER grade because he decided to try to answer a different question than the one he had originally chosen.

What is WRONG with my students??????


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