Geek In the Pink

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The Passion of the Christ

As it's almost Lent, it seems somehow appropriate that I Netflixed The Passion of the Christ to watch it for the first time.


A. and I were discussing the beginning of it, the injustice of the "bad rap" some of the players have gotten along the way, and how it's really unfair that actors who play Jesus should be so freakin' hot.


The "wow" more relates to how bloody (no pun intended) SAD this movie is. I mean, I know the whole story is sad...can I call it a story? You know what I mean, yes? Anyway, to see a man's life fall apart like that, to see all of those he loved suffer, turn away from The part that almost made me sick to my stomach was the whipping scene. I litterally felt my stomach turning, and I had to look away. I didn't cry, as I'm not a big crier at movies, but I did feel..awed. Not quite religious conversion, but awed.

And, of course, then there's the non-canonical "scholar" in me who found it very curious that John nodded when Jesus said "Son, behold your Mother," and that he was the one with her the whole time. This goes back to my Christmas Eve revelation from the Book of Luke (See 12/28/2005 for refresher). I didn't like how Mary was, once again, the stoned prostitute, but we'll forgive Mr. Gibson that.

All in all, I felt it was a good movie. I do not see it as Anti-Semetic, only faithful to the story as it was portrayed in the Bible. In fact, I think it's quite clear that some of the Jews and Romans did have some serious second thoughts about the whole thing, only it was too late to call it back.

*End Movie Review. Onto Real Life*

I've been plugging away at my portfolio since about 2:00 this afternoon. After getting up and going to the gym, A. and I took a sojourn to IHOP and to Target, where I bought a new purse as I finally came to the realization that I needed more space than my current handbags were permitting. Also got "yelled at" by the mail man because our box doesn't have a number on it. Well, EXCUSE US, shouldn't that sort of thing be provided? Anyway, I'm about to hand write a sign and tape it up there until I can convince my father he wants to lend me his label maker. I've got my five lessons logged and am about to start logging my writing lessons. There's more questions than I realized, and all of them imply that you know who your two students are going to be, which I really don't. I know I've got to show my students how to do quality opening paragraphs; I think I'm going to try to find a pseudo-intellectual paper from my high school career (yes, I kept my papers) to see if I can inspire them in some way.

Now I eagerly await the goddess conference call.


  • At 2:18 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    John is not the brother refered to by Luke. That is his biological brother James who was a leader in the early Christian church. Christain scholars assume Joseph was dead by the time of Jesus's death so he wanted John to take care of his mother because, according to the Gospel of John he is refered to as "the one whom Jesus loved." Interestingly, Mary being a whore is less controversial than saying she's the wife of Jesus.

  • At 5:42 PM , Blogger leila said...

    i have all my papers from college if you need extra examples.

    p.s. the word ver. code is omvgur. omvgur. sounds like a name from Clan of the Cave Bear. omvgur.


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