Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A post of inter-connected randomness

Should be getting ready for work. Don't care. There, I said it.

So, my copy of King's Test is falling apart. Ickle bitty pieces falling apart. "Buy a new copy" many of you say. Ah, but it is out of print, so this gets a bit tricksy. I went to and to see if I could find any used ones...some shmuck wants $23 for a softcover book. Not paying that much. Sorry.

So last night I had a dream that I was complaining about this to my friend Amanda and she said that she was going to trade in a few books somewhere and that she'd get me another copy. Wasn't that thoughtful of dream-Amanda? Real-Amanda would do that sort of thing too, of course, but it was a nice sojourn from reality.

Today is Wednesday. Which makes it almost Thursday. Which means FRIDAY is right around the corner. Yay goddess time!


  • At 2:24 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I will probably be awake from midnight EST tomorrow until you ladies see me, unless I manage to nap on the stuffy, overcrowded plane.



    Pregnancy dreams are about death, they say. Or about pet projects, like a thesis perhaps. Or about having swallowed a watermelon seed.

    Universal dream interpretation is a load of crap.


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