Geek In the Pink

Friday, March 24, 2006

Go back to bed and avoid today if at all possible.

My bad day actually started last night when I came home to find that Princess Di (aka Cleo) had puked on my bed. But we'll ignore that for a moment and get on with the rest of the suckiness:

1. Wake up several times during the night, mostly because of Hob trying to play with Cleo and/or attacking my personage. Kick him off the bed, but he returns.

2. Accept my fate at 5:20 and get up to take a shower. Get into shower. No hot water. Try tap in kitchen and bathroom. Not as hot as it should be. Fuck.

3. Call apartment main office to get to emergency maintence number. Am told that any and all mailbox numbers are "Invalid." Double fuck.

4. Go to make peanut butter toast. Bread is moldy. Shit.

5. Open fridge to take out English muffins (not moldy, a small miracle). Wonder what weird, brown, crystallized stuff is on salad bowl. Discover a Diet Coke can has exploded inside the fridge, and another is questionable. Must clean that up. Double shit.

And that was all before 5:45 in the morning. And so, dear readers, I recommend getting that book you've been meaning to read, your cat, and a cup of tea, call in sick and curl back up in bed, 'cause it's a no good terrible, rotten, horrible, bad day.


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