Geek In the Pink

Monday, March 20, 2006


Have had a very strange day so far and can only imagine what weirdness awaits me over the next several hours.

I was all set to go to the gym this morning when the nymphs of the alarm clock conspired against me. I had set my alarm properly, but my clock (once unplugged for The Big Move) was 12 hours off. So when I woke up at 4 AM, I thought I only had half an hour...fell back asleep until 5. Expletive deleted.

Upon arrival at school things went as usual until the students began to arrive and there was a bit of a traffic jam in the hallway; the woman who teaches across the hall from me had not showed up, and neither had her sub. Took about 10 minutes to get that all sorted out.

First period ran swimmingly; sophomores delighted that we were watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail. During my prep, I walked another absent teacher's sub plans to her room, only to discover that SHE didn't have a sub either, but one of her co-teachers was manning the fort until said sub arrived. Co-teacher was supposed to be somewhere teaching another class, covering for ANOTHER person who was absent in the department.

Oy. Vey.

Had a down-and-dirty discussion with my third period sophomores about their behavior in class and how I was sick of being angry with them. We discussed some means of improvement, and then I let them put together a list of the stories in the book they'd be interested in reading. I told them we had to read Julius Caesar, but none of them seemed to know it was Shakespeare, and I'd rather just leave that little surprise for now. ;) They were actually relatively good, all things considered; better than they have been in awhile.

Fifth period hellions (aka my Creative Writing Class) were also more-or-less behaved, but one of the key instigators was in ISS, so most everyone paid attention.

Survived the rest of the day with very little hullaballoo, went to the gym, and came home to an overdue notice on some life insurance. I don't remember getting the FIRST notice of this, but whatever. I am now waiting for some crock-pot mac n' cheese to do it's thing. The worst thing in the whole recipe is the Velveeta...and they even make THAT low-cal now. How sweet is that?

The plan is to go to the gym again tomorrow afternoon, then Wednesday and Thursday mornings, as I'll be after school late both of those days and there's no guarantee I'll actually get to the gym if I don't drag my lazy ass out of bed.

On the "lazy" note, this is the only full week I'll have to work for the next month. How cool is that? I'm being sent to various Professional Development seminars, as well as having Good Friday off. My mom wants me to take April 3rd off with her, but that would mean I'd only have interacted two out of five days with my students and I'm not quite sure I can justify that.

You Are a Sarariiman!

Or "salaryman." Whatever. Treadmill off, treadmill on.
Most of the sleep you get is on Tokyo's extensive subway system, since you are putting in 14 hour days.
You're a workaholic who works hard for no overtime. And vacations? Forget about it.
You spend most of your trip hunting around for gifts to bring back all of your coworkers.


  • At 11:39 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Do high schoolers view Creative Writing as a fluff class. The one I took in college had maybe two or three who viewed it as such but the rest seemed to actually be interested in the subject. Advanced CW was all serious although you couldn't get into it if you weren't...


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