Geek In the Pink

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Assorted musings

Musing the first:

I had peanut butter on graham cracker squares with a glass of orange juice for breakfast. This very child-like snack makes me wonder that, if I ate the snacks I did as a child (bugs-on-a-log, apples with cheese, that sort of thing) would I be a skinnier person? Do adults make eating more complicated? What healthy meal would you feed your five year old when he doesn't want salmon (and who could blame him)? Why can't I have that for dinner?

Musing the second:

Have you ever seen anyone fall of The Wagon? It's really sad. My family and I had dinner last night with someone who, through most of my childhood, was an extremely unreliable alcoholic. Not viscious or dangerous, just very forgetful and unreliable. I couldn't stand to be around him. About 5 years ago, he cleaned himself up--turned into a completely different person. I enjoyed being around him. He got married, had a baby...and then about 2 years ago, he started drinking again. He wasn't the way it used to be, but my Spider-Sense got all tingly. Then, when we went to see him last night...a lot of it was back. Asking questions repeatedly, going on long tangents, repeating himself during those, forgetting what he was doing...and I wanted to cry. This man has been given a second chance: the woman he married was a woman he dated in his early 20s. Their daughter, almost 4, is just adorable. I don't want to see him screw this up, because who knows what will happen after this. I told my dad what I thought on the way home and he said that the guy "didn't seem so bad." Ug.

Musing the third:

(Inspired by a conversation I'm currently having with Kelly)

Take out the student loan, people. You don't want to be 30 and still in college for your first degree. Wanna go back for your masters or doctorate? Fine, have at. But the loans are there for a reason--I don't regret my choice because I've been a productive member of society instead of living in "Hamlet" mode.

Corrollary to the above musing: Maybe it's jealousy, but I think people who insist on making themselves broke over their kids' college educations are morons. If the kid wants to go some place you can't afford, tell him/her that he/she has to make up the difference in loans. Don't get a second mortgage on the house to pay for it. Don't ask their grandparents for money. I valued my education SO much more because I was paying for it. Do you know what I saw a lot of people in college do, when Mommy and Daddy were paying for it? Nothing. They did not do a damn thing 'cause it wasn't their money. Or if they did, they skated by, took the easy way out, because who needs to make the most of it when the 'rents will pay for you to take a course over again if you have to. (I have someone specific in mind here, but it applies to a lot of people.)

Okay, now that I've inflammed half my readership:

6 Weird Things about Me (as tagged by Emily)
1. Thanks to my college roommate, my orgasmic snack of choice is Cool Ranch Doritos and Cream Cheese
2. I forgot about my fear of needles to get my tattoo
3. I befriend people who are smarter, cooler, and more wealthy than me and then feel bad about myself.
4. I am thisclose to signing up for adult ballet this summer, if it is convenient.
5. Despite being OCD about clutter, I'm a horrible pack rat and procrastinator when it comes to cleaning.
6. I'm still carrying around all sorts of Catholic Guilt.

Tagging: Sar, Kelly, Anathema, Leila, and Ehren

...and anyone else who wants to play along.

And now:

You Should Be a Film Writer

You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind.
You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life.
Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling.
And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen!


  • At 11:17 AM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    Musing on the first:

    I don't know what bugs-on-a-log are but you may have eaten healthier as a child as your parents were making your eating decisions for you.

    If I had a five-year-old, I'd probably feed them choy and rice and other veggies and fruits. I would not feed them anything with high fructose corn syrup and perhaps no candy and junk food.

    Musing, The Second - The Empire Strikes Back

    As far as I know, any friends on the wagon are still on. They all seem to be very happy about that decision, so all the more power to them.

    I'm sorry about your father's feelings. The family friend needs more people like you who will tell them what reality is. I don't know if you're in a position to do that, but your true friends are those who will tell you things you don't like.

    Musing, The Third - The Revenge

    Do you know a lot of people who aren't willing to take out student loans? Most people I know have to get financial aid and/or student loans I know and get little, if any, support from parental units. And as far as those I know in grad school, they're on their own, as I also think it should be. I totally believe in taking out student loans, especially when it comes to going to the school you prefer to go to. A lot of people I've met take into consideration financial matters to help determine where they'll go to grad school, but I say loans are totally worth it if it's the one thing that's preventing you from going where you want to go. I don't like the idea that only people rich enough(and possibly spoiled) can go to whatever school they like in order to pursue their dream.

    Regardless of that, are there no limits to how much a parental unit will go to spoil a child? There's a difference between supporting your child and doing some sacrificing, but I get the feeling that too many people are being babied by their parents.

  • At 11:41 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Bugs on a log are celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins.

    Even if my parents are apt to baby me (still), I had to get student loans for both undergrad and grad school. Yes, they did kick in money but I'm paying the bulk off myself. In fact, I just got a student loan bill yesterday.

  • At 5:09 PM , Blogger JRRyan said...

    Def sign up for dance. MAKE TIME for it and you'll be so happy to have something different to look forward to and talk about. Plus, ballet=hardcore exercise for muscles you might not be hitting on the cardio machines.


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