Geek In the Pink

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Happiness is... this afternoon when the UPS man brought me my copy of Star Wars, Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. I promptly put the sucker in my DVD player, hoping to see some bloopers in the "hidden menu." No bloopers, but watching Hip-Hop Yoda was pretty funny. Then we're off to disk 2 to see deleted scenes (Yay, Rebellion formation!)

I haven't put it in to watch the actual movie. Yet. I'll save that for this weekend when I can just love my man for all his misguided, angsty glory.

This actually segue's nicely into my honors sophomore class today, where I showed them pictures of the Ninja Turtles from the wax museum, and then of myself with Darth Vader at both WM and MoS. Obviously my students from last year apprecated the latter two pictures more, but everyone was entertained by my can't-breath-omg-Vader reaction from the Museum of Science.

Also made an entire automotive shop happy today as I brought them donuts. Their instructor's reaction was, and I quote, "Jesus Christ, you didn't have to do that."

I didn't actually teach a single class today, and yet looked very productive for 6 hrs. Who rocks the casbah? That would be me.

Here, another picture or two:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...wearing only bras and girdles...

The Man...the Myth...the Machine


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