Laundry courtesy (and other Everyone Has the Day Off annoyances)
Also, Good Friday grocery shopping: don't recommend it. It's right up there with Dec. 23rd or so. Besides having double the number of people normally in the grocery store, everyone is in a rush and/or a bad mood. The old woman in front of me was SO grouchy. Yes, the convalescent home van was outside, I get that. But they know you got on, sweetheart, they'll wait for you. Sheesh!
And don't get me started on the little angels.
But today has not been all bad. After kicking the kitties out of my room at 6 am because they couldn't stop fighting, I got another 2 hours of sleep. 8AM might not seem like much, but good Lord was it blissful for me. I meant to go to the gym, but decided I wanted to have a lazy morning. I'll go on Monday, when I'm on my vacation "schedule" for my portfolio and the other things I have to do. I wore a skirt out and about for my errands, and felt quite pretty, despite yesterday's horrors of "sucky underwear" shopping and the fact that my brown dress I was planning to wear to the Sub Ball next Friday doesn't quite fit. My mom best explained it as "It's so slinky; it won't give a pound." So I'll just have to hope I have some place to wear this thing since I spent so much money on it. I have a "back up" dress from one of the formals at AMC and it still fits (as well it should, I was almost 150 when I bought it), so I'm going to wear that instead. I look hot in it. W00T.
I've got several meals planned for the weak (besides the lasagne I promised my mother I would make), and am hoping to have people around to eat them with me. I can probably convince brother and brother's gf to come out at least one night.
Okay, the cats? Kind of nuts. I gave them catnip this morning, which lead to Cleo attaching everything that looked like it might be thinking about moving. But even before that, and now after the 'nip has warn off, they're still bouncing around like crazy. Combination me home plus nice weather I suppose. They're calling for rain later, so I'm hoping it stays at bay for at least a little while. Like tonight, when I'm just sitting here and watching movies.
Oh! I got my L.L. Bean Boat n' Tote bag yesterday, plus my toiletries bag for when I do The Big Trip this summer. I love my new bag (it says "Lady Vader" on it. Tee hee) and the toilitries bag is just convenient.
Hope everyone is having a lovely Good Friday and has an even nicer Easter Weekend.
Aphrodite Indeed, you are 62% erudite, 70% sensual, 45% martial, and 37% saturnine. | |
Born from the foam of the sea, Aphrodite became the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty. This is a polite way of saying she was the Goddess of Sex. In the case of Aphrodite, perhaps it would be more accurate to say she was the Goddess of sex, sex, and more sex.
At 2:40 AM ,
LadyVader said...
Why am I not surprised? ;)
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