Geek In the Pink

Thursday, April 13, 2006

To start my vacation on a very cool note:

According to my dad's sister:

"You know how people are always saying how a baby looks like one parent or the other (mostly for want of something better to say)? Or an aunt or uncle? Jane does not resemble Elliot, or either parent (though the Andersons insist she looks like Luke) but I've been thinking she reminds me of somebody. When she was having her bath tonight Dodie and I said the same thing. She reminds us of Karen when she was a baby! So there you have it."

Okay, so how cool is that? I probably shouldn't be as happy about this as I am, but the fact that my ghetto-ass recessive genes showed up in someone else is pretty freakin' cool.

I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow. My mother has me going on a bunch of errands for her for Easter, but that's okay. Because 5:30 does not bring the alarm clock. Rejoice and Hallelujiah.

~ 62% Water ~ 44% Wind ~ 62% Earth ~ 44% Fire ~
And I know and I believe

There's a way out to the sea of happiness

It seems your personality is in perfect harmony; your impulses are tempered with thoughtfulness, and your emotions are balanced with a healthy amount of reason.

In order to maintain that harmony, try wearing a Jade, a Chrysoprase or an Agate; all three enhance balance and stability, as does the Snowflake Obsidian that will help remain balanced during times of change.

In detail: You are more balanced than most people. Your Ground Chakra, (associated with the element of fire and representing our basic desires and driving force), your Creative Chakra, (associated with the element of earth and representing our need to preserve and grow), your Heart Chakra, (associated with the element of water and representing our sense of love and compassion), and your Throat Chakra, (associated with the element of wind and represents our desire to learn and communicate), appear to be on an equal footing with each others.

Link: The Elemental Balance Test written by Nitsuki on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


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