Geek In the Pink

Monday, April 17, 2006

Sometimes it's worth the extra money

Well, after months of contemplation, I finally went back to the place that installed my CD player in my car, told them the problem, and the guy told me the best bet was just to replace the thing because the factory might work on it for free if we doctored a receipt, but I'd be without tunage for awhile. Or, I could spend about $120, get a brand new player that day, he'd install it in the parking lot, and new player would be able to rock the MP3 CD. Mr. Salesman was awfully good looking, so I went with Option B. Now I have a new CD player that plays CDs. W00T!

What else? I went to the gym this morning, worked on my portfolio for about an hour before getting frustrated 'cause all my answers to the freakin' questions are the same, got my hair cut and eyebrows waxed, did the CD player thing, went to Target, didn't buy anything, but got into a fender bender. (Not my fault.) I was trying to turn onto this rather busy road and I thought I had a clear right turn, but I didn't take into account all the people pulling U-ies, so I was kind of hanging out onto the road a bit, still on the shoulder. Well, the woman behind me obviously didn't think I should stay stopped because she rammed into my car. I got onto the road and immediately pulled over, but there was no damage to my car (Go Swedes!) and no damage to hers. She was in hysterics crying, however, as she had apparently whacked her knee on the steering wheel. She had a scar on her knee, probably from surgery, so that's why I imagine it hurt more than it ought to have. I asked her several times if she was okay, said that I didn't think we needed to report this, she agreed. I asked her AGAIN if she was okay, and she said yes. So I left. I'm sure some of you will say that was stupid and whatnot but the only damage to my car was a torn bumper sticker. And she was to blame.

After that drama, I went to Best Buy to pick up part 1 of my brother's bday gift (he turns 22 tomorrow) and then to the bank to get a new savings account recorder. Now I'm home, contemplating the beauty of the MP3 CD, as well as if my brother is coming over for dinner tonight and should I take a nap.

I felt like a bit of a loser last night; I came home almost right after we had Easter dinner. I wanted to hang out, but my brother was having some bizarre-o reaction to the air so his eye was all puffy and I just wanted to be at home in my pajamas. I'll try to make it up to him somehow.

That is all from the land of me. Oh yes. Hob. He has found a liking for the kitchen table and the tulips my mother bought me for Easter. Please with the stopping of the eating, thank you.

You scored 25 nervousness!
You are a rabbit, and though you seem cuddley, I'm willing to bet you can be a big fat jerk. I bet you hate it when people make jokes about your silly-looking ears.

Link: The Small Nervous Animal Test written by zombieface on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test


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