Geek In the Pink

Monday, April 24, 2006 the saddle again

I should be doing work, or taking out the garbage...but no, I'm not. I finally got access to a website I've been part of for years, but it went down for maintence and that was it for me. So instead I'm perusing said site and posting on much-neglected topics and generally procrastinating.

Does anyone else have a really dry face right now? For some reason, my face is all "feed me, seymor," except, of course, it's thirsty and begging for moisturizer, but you get the idea.

Anyhew, today was the first day back and it didn't go TOO badly. My problem children are still problems, my good kids are still good, and my seniors are still shut off for the year. One of them (seniors) did apparently get started on his final project, though, so that made me kind of happy. I'll have to question him further as to the content, obviously; he was a little vague on the specifics. All I got was, "It's a power point about Isis and Osiris." Not so much with the helpful.

Other positive notes: my "lady doctor" gave me a clean bill of health. He also asked me about my libido, to which I replied "I'm not dating anyone, so I think it's probably good." He laughed. Also, tonight brings us "24" and I am VERY worried about the First Lady as well as Secret Service Man Aaron. Because Aaron is cool. Also, I'm hoping Audrey begins to kick some serious ass, possibly by shooting someone. I still hate Chloe.

I leave you with the following picture:


  • At 11:33 PM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Funny, I spent the entire day yesterday harassing delinquent women to get their "lady checkups."

  • At 7:38 AM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    That picture is so true...

  • At 7:03 PM , Blogger jayiin mistaya said...

    *looks at pic* If only I could blame it on my fandom. There one of those that says 'My writing killed my sex life'?


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