Geek In the Pink

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Mercy, Moms and Medical Mysteries

In my hung over stupor, I forgot to mention something mildly amusing that happened to me on Friday afternoon before I went to the prom. I was getting my eyebrows "done," across the street from the apartment and these two young women walked in, both wearing uniforms. Upon further inspection, I discovered that these girls were from my high school alma mater. So I struck up a bit of conversation with the darlings and they seemed oddly surprised that one such as myself went to such a hallowed institution. (Or not. But I did get a "You went to Mercy?" Take it as you may).

The Mercy Community, alive and well.

I told my mother about the concern I had over my drinking...she was really kind of non-reactionary, and I don't know how to take that. I guess I was hoping for more of a "If you feel that's what you need, we'll support you on it." *shrug* Oh well.

Had the last of the scheduled doctor's appointments today. Mr. Ear, Nose and Throat informed me that there was indeed some sort of lumpish thing on my glands/thyroid but nothing large (thanks, Dr. Obvious) and that he's not too worried. If however, Friday's scan does not show something diagnostic, I should call him back and he'll order some other scan-y bits to see wtf is wrong with me.

I said good-bye to my freshmen and seniors today. One senior is not going to pass for the year, another plagarized his end-of-semester assessment because he "couldn't do it," and told his guidance counselor to sign him up for next year. WTF? No, seriously...W.T.F? You could do a freakin' story-board/collage type thing if you wanted to...and this kid is saying he "couldn't do" the assessment...that he'd known about all year? There are no words to express the utter aggitation I feel at hearing that.

On the plus side, I did find out I get to miss half a day next Monday to go to training for something. Sweet!

Okay, off to burn chicken.


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