Geek In the Pink

Friday, May 26, 2006

Passive-Aggressive? Yes please.

(Some of this might be directed at you. I'll probably apologize later for how it came out.)

1. It's not like I can't handle change; I deal with change every day at work. This is about people following through on things. So if HUGE plans that have been discussed for well over a year are changing, just say it. Don't drag things out, saying "maybe" and "we'll see." Twice this year I've had major travel plans changed on me: plans I was so looking forward to in my new, free of strings state. No tickets had been purchased yet or anything like that, but the fact remains...people cannot seem to follow through on anything. If you know you're not going to be able to do ANYTHING, for fuck's sake, just say something. This applies to little plans too; if you have to back out of something, inform all other parties ahead of time.

2. I know I'm not the center of anyone's world, but I want to be included in worlds not just when things suck or when people want to gloat at the wonder of everything; could I be included just because? Part of this is my own doing, as I try to always be there for people when they need me, but this is the first time in a long time I've felt genuinely taken advantage of in this regard. The people I am talking about have lives, which I don't, and that's fine. But to come to me in your hour of need, then ignore me the rest of the time, until it's your hour of need again, well that's just inconsiderate. And when people ask for information, no matter how much it suck to give it to them, just do it, okay? Really, they can handle it.

3. I'm officially "the wheel" in all social situations at this point. This is no one's fault but my own. You were all cranky at some point for being "the wheel," so don't treat me like I SHOULDN'T feel somewhat awkward about this.


  • At 8:26 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Karen... I *did* say so. It's not like Sarah or I know what's going on with our lives right now. We're both going through a lot and there is too much that's uncertain. Sarah just found out she'd have to take a summer course and isn't sure about her financial situation or if she'll have any free time between the summer class and leaving for Japan. Up until I found got my MRI results, I wasn't sure what would happen this summer. So, blame it on me if you want to, but I can't handle planning for guests when I dont even know if my career is going to last the summer.
    You have a very definite period of time when you know you'll be available. Sarah and I don't.

    As for the rest of it, I think that warrants a more personal conversation than what's available via blogger. I don't even know what "the wheel" is. Let me know when you can talk and where I can reach you.

  • At 8:33 PM , Blogger JRRyan said...

    Agghh! Your mixx cd is still being made...I haven't forgotten...

    Also, I know Boston isn't necessarily an exotic locale but if you and A++ want a change of pace and want to hang with illustrious me in the Hub, holla at me girl...

    My Dad said there was this camping/hunting mecca that's opening in Hartford that your Dad hearted...I just think it's hilarious that our dads have this whole loop that has nothing to do with us...


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