Geek In the Pink

Thursday, June 15, 2006


I was supposed to go to Target with my brother's gf after work today, but she only got about 4 hours of sleep last night, so we opted out. I was thinking about going to the gym instead, but then realized the following things:

1. My left knee (the one I have to brace) is sore and has been for 2-3 days.
2. My right ankle (the one I twisted in high school) is swollen and not feeling particularly stellar either.

My ankle and knee may both be related to the fun, comfortable, but high-heeled sandals I've been wearing to work as of late. Puts all sorts of weird pressures on all sorts of weird places that don't bother me during the day but can become problematic at night. All of this added up to me thinking that perhaps a hard-core workout on the treadmill was a bad idea. Let's try again Monday, eh?

Today the kids took the last of the finals, we had a pot luck lunch for our exiting assistant principal and I realized...I have nothing to do for the next three days. No, seriously. I mean, I have to show up to work, and I have to keep the kids in my room for an hour at a time...but I'm really without significant tasks while I am there. I've got to put some books away, but really...I cleaned out my cabinets and whatnot during the LAST set of finals (freshmen/seniors). So now I'm offering to do thinks like input other people's grades, or have whatever students show up fold the programs for graduation tomorrow.

1 day down, 2 to go.

All right, I'm going to finish my raspberry-blackberry water and then see if I'm still hungry. You know, I think the worst part of my lunch today was the fact that I had some soda (there wasn't any water and I forgot mine) and, well, dessert. Again, we return to "Lady has a sweet tooth which denying is not advised."

Hope everyone has a spectacular Friday.


  • At 5:46 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    Have I ever discussed with you the dangers of high fructose corn syrup?

    If you're on any sort of diet, it's best to reduce that as much as possible. There's a ton of it in all sodas except for diet ones.


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