Geek In the Pink

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Guitars, Cadillacs and Hillbilly Music

If you have never been to a country music concert (with semi-well-known artists), you should go once in your life. Take or leave the actual music, the crowd alone is usually worth the price of admission.

Last night, my mother and I went to see Clint Black and Dwight Yoakum at the Norwich ball field (which is a very nice stadium, and very under-loved by our state). My mother had never been to such a concert; this was my second, I believe. The crowd was mostly well-behaved (drunk, but no fights) and everyone clapped and sung along.

And white men danced.

But this isn't that pathetic "I'm trying to be cool" dancing you see in clubs. Nope, these white boys in their big ol' cowboy hats were showing some rhythm. One guy was walking around with jeans, a hat, cowboy boots (obviously) and a vest...with no shirt underneath. My mother deemed him "Urban Cowboy," but I think there might have been a little "Brokeback" in him myself. There was also this row of 10 guys who all came the show. (I realized how that looked and sounded after I'd typed it). We had Mr. Ripped T-Shirt and his buddy, Mr. Purple Shirt, trying to get the crowd riled up and dancing. Like I said, rather entertaining.

And then I realized that most people I know embrace an ethnicity (Indian, Irish, Italian...whatever). Me? I embrace the German in me, but in the end...I'm a redneck girl.

And that's okay with me. :)


  • At 4:14 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    Country music rocks! I'm going through a country music phase myself. I've seen Garth Brooks and he was one of the better shows I've ever been to. You should've checked out the recent CMA's. They would've been a good crash course in the best of what country music has to offer.


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