Geek In the Pink

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Pathetic? Yes, thank you.

Do you know what I did last night? I watched a 4-hour marathon of Law and Order: SVU and then fell asleep at midnight. This only after taking a two-hour nap in the middle of the day, when really, the most strenous thing I'd done up to that point had been grocery shopping.

I was a good girl this morning and went to the gym. I got my butt on the elliptical, because that doesn't hurt my ankle...and proceeded to die a slow death. What should have been a 35-minute workout turned into 25 minutes because at minute 15 I was about ready to call the paramedics on myself. WTF is up with that?

Now I'm sitting here on this rainy Sunday doing laundry and waiting for my brother and/or his girlfriend to call me about when they will be here for dinner tonight. I'm reading a fairly decent book, but because of my patheticness, I keep nodding off. You'd think I was narcoleptic or something.

Yes, I'm back to feeling sorry for myself. I assume this will pass in a few days when PMS just turns into what it always does. Let's hope.

But Foamy makes it all better.


  • At 4:06 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    Ellipticals, depending on which type, can be either more difficult or more easy than treadmills. Running outside is the worst. Did you use a different model than usual?

    Anyway, don't worry, you're not the only one who's been unproductive. I spent all weekend playing Kingdom Hearts 2, and I've already beat it twice.


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