Geek In the Pink

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Weekend Update

Friday night was nice because my uncle and one of my cousins from San Francisco were out on the East Coast and had dinner with us. I then came home and passed out before I could watch either Stargate program. I was a little grumpy and anti-social anyway, so it was just as well I went into my room and didn't try to socialize on the couch in the living room. (Wow, does that sound dirty or what?)

Saturday was spent mostly on the couch watching movies, including Jersey Girl, which did not suck as much as I thought it would. Then I drove back to my parents' house to attend the bi-annual Ladies' Night dinner at my dad's club. Mom and I left early, and I watched two hours of Law and Order: SVU before falling asleep.

So far today, I 've watched part of a bizarre anime show called Blood: The Last Vampire, talked with my brother's gf, gone grocery shopping, gone to the gym, and watched some football. Oh yes, football is back.

I was going to correct and/or plan lessons for the week and realized that I left what I needed at work. Oh yes, I'm smart.

Oh, apparently I suffered from foot in mouth at work this week and didn't realize I'd said anything I wasn't supposed to. Oh well.

Hope everyone else had a lovely weekend.


  • At 10:22 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    Atlantis was very amusing indeed but SG-1 definitely was not as good as it should have been...


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