Geek In the Pink

Friday, January 26, 2007

The Lost Boys

So, Netflix sends me The Lost Boys, starring the ever-delicious Kiefer Sutherland. All right, so the title obviously tells me we're alluding to Peter Pan, which is cool. 'Cause who doesn't love a good Peter Pan story?

Well, this is like Peter Pan...on crack. The concept of never growing old, living forever...makes a nice connection between those lost boys and these...but the whole bit about them needing a mother, and the lengths "Peter" (who, in this case, is named Max) will go for it...scary.

In other news, all 106 pages and 25 minutes of my future are ready to go for Monday. I'm not feeling good or bad about the prospect of this one getting graded...I'm just glad I'll be done with it. And, I'm sorry, but English is by far one of the most complicated portfolios to do. Sheer amount of stupid shit they require is mind-boggling.

Oh, back to Kiefer Sutherland...24 is continuing to get some bad press on cable news because of its portrayal of Muslims as terrorists. I don't know how I feel about this. I mean, I like the show, and I guess I understand how some people might take it to heart but at the same time...our world climate, one that is not that far removed from the lives of the people on the show, is filled with a group of Fundamentalists who can't stand us. Some have tried to make the point that if it was the Christians or the Jews they were portraying this way, the show wouldn't fly. My point (and if this comes across as racist, I'm sorry) is that in other countries/areas of the world, one could portray Fundamentalist Christians or Jews that way and, for that area of the world, it would be accurate. Does it make much sense in the United States, where the show is set? No. But if 24 was set in Palestine, one could believe that without too much difficult.

That's probably going to piss some people off. Well, I've done that on this blog before.

And now, I'm going to be a loser and go to bed at 9:30 on a Friday night.

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  • At 1:24 AM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    You just saw The Lost Boys? I never thought of it as Peter Pan on crack. I just always dug it because it was a vampire film and I always loved vampire/monster stories.

    Congratulations on finishing up your portfolio. Now you have the weekend to destress, relax, and have some fun. Considering how you early you have to get up compared to most people and how much you tend to do in a day, I'd say it's totally okay for you to be going to bed at 9:30 on a Friday night. :)

    As for 24. I feel the bad press is remarkably undeserved. If people are knocking it because of its portrayal of terrorists and Muslims are getting angry then I'll come right out and say that they're either not paying attention to the entire breadth of the show or they're quite blind and ignorant to the fact that Muslims, Europeans from various countries, Koreans, Chinese, Mexicans, Russians, and even Americans have been portrayed as terrorists. Not only that, but even the US government and various government officials have been used as bad guys on the show. And if all the negative portrayals of some group have offended some, then that's just unfair since a lot of different people have been involved in terrorism on the show and people are being overly sensitive and promoting the idea that it's okay as long as it's not me and my group.

    But if we're to speak specifically about this season, then have people not paid attention to the woman at CTU who is Muslim, the Muslim man who is involved romantically with the President's sister who is trying to stop the terrorism by infiltrating a terrorist cell, and Dr. Bashir who is a reformed terrorist and has been trying to bring peace diplomatically and bring a halt to terrorism? If people don't like how those Muslims are being portrayed why don't we just get rid of all of them in the world of TV?

  • At 4:20 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    I think the point those critics are making is that such portrayals only add fuel to the fire. We already kind of hate muslims in this country, fair or not. Pop culture doesn't need to stir the pot, you know?

    Of course, they can say whatever they want on television as long as they avoid the major swearwords and frontal nudity; it's a free country. And people are also free to criticize what is said. Ain't it grand?

  • At 6:52 AM , Blogger Mrs. Osgood said...

    I had nighmares for weeks after watching that movie! Remember, they can only get in if you invite them. Watch the windows.

  • At 2:28 PM , Blogger Likestrek said...

    You're right, the version of the show in Saudi Arabia and Iran would have Jews as terrorists and I'd personally love the Fundementalist Christian terrorist angle but that sure as hell won't happen... I think that the producers waited like six years before having Muslim terrorists says something. Critics who say it fans the flame of hatred are probably right but no more so, or at least not much more so, than the news. As long as Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity don't start writing for the show, things will be ok...


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