Geek In the Pink

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Assorted topics

I saw a woman walking into the gym today wearing a tie and a button down shirt with some gray pants. She looked incredibly stylish and, for a moment, I totally wanted to be her. The biggest problem (I suppose other than the fact that I can't tie a tie) is that her shoes were REALLY cute, but totally impractical for someone who teaches on her feet all day like me. Ah well.

I'm a gym reader, as most of you know. I sometimes read deep and meaningful books at the gym. This, I suppose, is counter-intuitive to many, but if I'm a captive audience for 35 minutes, I usually make some headway. Other times, however, I read hella-fluff. Like right now, I'm reading Girls in Pants, which is the third in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series. It's actually pretty good for YA lit, although one of the characters is increasingly irritating. In reality, Lena is a lot like me, which is probably why she pisses me off. Anyway, I left the book on the treadmilly while I went to find a holder for it, and the woman on the machine next to me was staring at the book and at me. I couldn't figure out if she was horrified that I was reading it, or amused.

I was so excited because, after thinking my iPod was dead yesterday and then realizing it just had a hella-low battery on account of the iTrip my brother bought me which isn't working (another story), I finally had music today. But...I forgot my headphones, 'cause I'm a tool. So, no music for the Lady again on the treadmill. At least the gym music didn't suck too much.

Speaking of iPods, I got my new cover with some Christmas Money.

After ten days with my seniors, they are starting to bore me. They've lost all their spark they had earlier in the cycle in the post-holiday, pre-shop blues they all tend to suffer from. Quite frankly, I'm about done with them and can't wait until Monday when my sophomores return. I have ONE more lesson to tape for my %(@#*&%(*& portfolio, and just a little more to write up before I'm DONE with the g-d thing. I'm trying to decide whether to take the 26th or the 29th off this month to drive it in. The Friday is mentally better because then I have the weekend to just chill, but my Monday is logically better in case I have to tweak anything.

Cleo's health seems to be improving, as she's returned to the status quo of regurgitating part of her lunch because she eats it so fast. This was hot happening when she was on her medicine, so I'm actually taking it as a good, rather than bad, sign.

I'm reading Kushiel's Scion right now, and it has this annoying habit of being a quick and interesting read, which makes me want to stay up at night rather than doing logical things, like sleeping. Also, the TylenolPM is not working well, and I'm getting frustrated, again, with my lack of sleep. I'm hoping if I go to the gym enough, my body will tire itself out. Yay, New Year's resolution: to sleep.

Hope all are having a successful 2007 thus far.

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  • At 1:42 AM , Blogger Kelly said...

    She was checking you out, and she liked that you were reading that kind of book ;)

  • At 1:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    On Kushiel: I remember reading the first book and not liking it a whole lot, but I don't remember why.

    On sleep: Have you ever tried tucking a lavender sachet inside your pillowcase? The scent is soothing, and helps with the sleep. 15 minutes o' meditation before bedtime, also good.

  • At 4:02 PM , Blogger An Illegal-Size Paper Production said...

    I don't think it hurts to start earlier and work on the 26th.


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